Here is a link to many of Dr. Mertens' publications through Research Gate:

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Chilisa, B. & Mertens, D.M. (2021). Indigenous Made in Africa evaluation frameworks: Addressing epistemic violence and contributing to social transformation. American Journal of Evaluation, 1-13. Online first: DOI: 10.1177/1098214020948601

Mertens, D.M. (2021). Transformative research methods to increase social impact for vulnerable groups and cultural minorities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/16094069211051563

Mertens, D.M. (2018). Transformative mixed methods and policy evaluation. Diritto & Questioni Pubbliche, 18(1), 247-264.

Widianingsih, I. & Mertens, D.M. (2019). Transformative research and the sustainable development goals: Challenges and a vision from Bandung, West Java. International Journal of Transformative Research, 6(1), 27-35.

Mertens, D.M. (2015). Mixed methods and wicked problems. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 9(1), 3-6.

Mertens, D.M., Bazeley, P., Bowleg, L., Fielding, N., Maxwell, J., Molina-Azorin, J.F., & Niglas, K. (2016). Expanding thinking through a kaleidoscopic look into the future: Implications of the Mixed Methods International Research Association’s Task Force Report on the Future of Mixed Methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1-7.

Mertens, D.M. (2016). Assumptions at the philosophical and programmatic levels in evaluation, Evaluation and Program Planning, 59, 102-108. 

Mertens, D. M. (2012). Transformative mixed methods: Addressing inequities. American Behavioral Scientist, 56(6), 802-813.